
Paste a YouTube link and watch instantly without trackers or pre-roll ads

Here's a comparison opening the exact same video:

YouTube (2 ads before video)

FewTube (instant video start)

How does it work?

Here's the secret: the FewTube website simply uses a YouTube embed to play your video. This allows for methods to bypass some of the more annoying features of YouTube.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does watching a video on FewTube still count towards the views of that video?

Yes! Despite this, when you watch a video, you're completely anonymous.

Copy and pasting the link into a different website takes a bit of time. Wouldn't it be faster to just watch the ads?

I would highly recommend getting the FewTube browser extension, FewTube Pro. This speeds up the process by a ton, because you can just right click on a video and get this option:

Click 'Open in FewTube', and less than a second later, you're watching the video. Tada! Problem solved.

If you have any more questions, feel free to contact me: jayden@hagertech.dev